Friday, July 22, 2011

Dermatitis and God

I suffer from a skin condition called dermatitis.  I don't know what it is, or why the doctors diagnose me with it.  Frankly, I don't think they know what it is either.  They figure just chronic itchiness of the skin is dermatitis.

Here's a little description of my condition.  I get itchy a lot, which is focused on my hands and feet.  I have a rough tendency to scratch it.  But it turns out this condition was going on for so long that I was starting to see cancerous symptoms.  [Thank you webMD for freaking me out ] The last straw I figured was when I started actually liking the pain of pouring scalding hot water on itching fingers and then wrapping it in a sheet of tissue and pressing in on it.  Because of this, my fingers began to ooze puss,so I went to see a doctor.

Doctor just said its dermatitis, and gave me a steroid based ointment to help my skin grow.  I guess the itchiness is the perpetual tendency for the body to recover  When it grows new skin, the bonding of the skin causes it to itch, when I itch it I tear the skin apart and guess what?  You got it, the whole thing happens again.  I found out my allergies also irritate it as well.  The ointment is meant to accelerate my skin growth and in the meantime.

So a year or so later from then, my dermatitis has not gone away.  The ointment doesn't cure dermatitis  it just makes sure my skin doesn't turn a bloody unappealing monstrosity.   I do get the urge to itch every so often and sometimes, I actually succumb to them.

Why is this important?  I was pondering this today coming out of a recent itching phase which left scars on my finger.  I was thinking how paralleled this is to my walk with God.  Let me elaborate.  We will simply put things together as I see fit:

Itching = temptation
Scratching = sinning
Pain and scars = result of sinning
Ointment = Jesus Christ.

So you have it this way.  We are all perpetually tempted in this befuddling world.  Everyone itches.  sometimes scratching will make it go away, but how many times have you said "my arm itches" and your mother tells you "Don't scratch it".  It's easy to say "Don't scratch",  It's an entirely different matter to resist itching it.  Likewise, we can tell each other do not sin, to resist it is an entirely different matter altogether.

Jesus Christ provides us the strength to resist the urge to itch.  Will the itch does not go away, Jesus gives us the growth we need to stay strong and resist temptation.  We also know that Jesus is the only one who can forgive sins.  Washing away the pain and the scars of our past mistakes and shortcomings.  Putting on the ointment of Jesus does not make temptation go away, but it makes fighting temptation a little more meaningful.

Do you have anything in your life that you see as a hindrance or frustration?  Finding God in the little things in life help bring peace in a frustrating situation.  Mind sharing?  Comment please.

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